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FREE Workshop


Blue Railing

It's time for you to feel enough...

Eventhough you don't feel you are enough when it comes to your body and it stressed you out, you choose to relax now

Eventhough you judge yourself and your body so often, you accept how you feel and where you are

Your presence, love and care are everything for your kids. You give them enough.

You desereve to be free from any of judment

You deserve to love yourself

You deserve to be enough

You did enough

You are enough

I love and accept myself as I am

It 's time for you to free your body and your mind from the burden now


 You just need to invest 1 hour...

At 20hCET on Zoom live on 26th, November 2021

P/s: If you can't make it live, you will find recorded session in your inbox afterwards


Feel enough no matter what

Find your own truly freedom 

Be more awared of how your emotion, thought and beliefs are really working

 Take control over your self-doubt and fears

Get over your fears and achieve what you want

Transform your self-doubt, self-talk into your strongest allies

Re - discover your life purpose and be more aligned with your dream life

Find your life purpose - find your WHY 

Treasure all other aspect of your life no matter what

Change your negative thoughts into positive way

Be in control of your thoughts and emotions, 

Are connected to a deeper sense of wisdom and purpose 

Have the courage to express yourself and BE YOU always

 Be more confident and trust yourself

Accept and love youself much more


At 20hCET on 26th, November 2021

P/s: If you can't make it live, you will find recorded session in your inbox afterwards

Blue Window

Does it sound like you?

You are stucked with your inner critic voice that you are not good, smart, enough

If you are feeling stagnant, stuck and numb and are craving change,

If you spend a lot of time in your head feeling anxious and overwhelmed

You are craving change but then fears are blocking your way

If you struggle with lots of self-doubts and fears to move forward

If you lack of confidence to achieve what you want

If you struggle to express yourself and know you have more to give,

If you long to embody a calmer, centred and more confident version of yourself,

There is not enough time to take care of yourself 

You are not pretty and slim enough like others, you engage in self-criticism about your appearance

You do not have enough energy for everything

then this workshop is perfect for you...


Analyze and evaluate your inner critic voice? What kind of problems are you stucking with?

Where do your self-talk come from? Uncover the Lies ​

From spritual and chakra perspective, what kind of chakra is unbalanced? And how can we bring it back in harmony?

How yoga, mindful meditation and journaling are beneficial to release self-doubts 

What is your limiting beliefs? Uncover the underlined Truth about beliefs ​

Introduce the framework to help you defeat self-doubt, get over fears and find your own WHY : shifting it from enermies to allies, gain more confidence and follow your purpose

Try out EFT technique


At 20hCET on 26th, November 2021

P/s: If you can't make it live, you will find recorded session in your inbox afterwards

Above the Clouds

Hi , I am Thao Tran , the mother of a one year old boy and I am so grateful that he came into my life, keeping me inspired and bringing  joy to me everyday.


It is time for me to realize how much time I should spend for my boy, but still be able to keep up my spiritual and yoga journey, and sometimes I feel I don't have enough time, energy...


I was always doubting about myself, my ability, my confidence for so long times that I let it be part of my identity - lack of confidence, not believe in myself, lots of self-doubt and fears before and after motherhood. I was stucked and didn't know what to do for the rest of my life...


That is when Yoga and mindful meditation came into my life as part to heal and transform me. Recently, I took life coaching courses to deepen my knowledge about the myths of mind and body, to dissect my own self-doubts, fears and follow my own WHY.  As a result, a combination of modern psychology with a holistic approach is what I have gone through to defeat my own self-doubts and fears.


I was in a ''hole'' for so long, if you are also in the ''hole'', let's me show you the way to get through the ''hole'', to re-discover your inner strength, confidence and follow your WHY.


This journey gives me courage and inner strength  to step out of my comfort zone and commit myself with virtual online teaching through my new Youtube channel, built my own siginificant programs to help people transforming their life . These practices gives me calm and resilience during the challenges of motherhood, yogipreneur, life coach.


And most important thing that it gives me true happiness, freedom and joy with my family,along with sharing the magic of yogi and psychology world with others.




Thao Tran is a great Yoga and mindful meditation trainer. Her themed class is always full of joy, relaxation and deep connection with ourselves. She has motivated and empowered me a lot on my motherhood. Highly recommended.


Thao does an amazing job setting the tone by intergrating the theme into yoga practice. Her energy is  incredible, that could lift your mood on your bad day. Highly recommended for any Moms who love to join her class to release the physical and mental tension from your daily life.



I have signed up for few classes of Thao, and all are great on different ways. She is kind and lovely and her way of teaching is informative and relaxing. I especially enjoyed her guided meditation and yoga nidra a lot.



All the classes from Thao was amazing.For example: A mantra for root chakra: ''I am strong'' during her Yoga classes helps me a lot from my depression problem. My shoulder and hip are much less tensed. Her Yin class was just perfect for my gloomy days to boost my mood and nurture my soul

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