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In the Joy of your own true Self

Be connected with the Infinity and Unmanifested of the Universe


Does it sound like you?

  • You don’t have enough time for everything. You feel like you struggle with spending time with your kids and doing activities but also struggle with having time for yourself

  • You struggle doing anything for yourself because you can’t seem to make the time. You just don’t feel like there’s anytime.

  • You like doing Yoga but it is impossible now to find time now with 2 kids.

  • You love your child and want to stay home to take good care of her but you also want to have space and time to develop yourself

  • You want to find my own passion but you don’t have time and you don’t know how

  • You are losing yourself a little bit more every day. You gave up your career because it was too much, and you wanted to be there for your kids. You feel like you need to take them to the activities and the lessons, because how else will you justify staying home?


The Journey

Shanti Yoga Studio was originally founded in Vienna in 2018 to promote mindfulness and peace in the surrounding community. In April 2021,  after the soul-calling journey to go beyond yoga studio, but to bring a truly transformation through different healing journeys designed for you, for me, for us, for eveyone on the world. That 's time for us to move toward our bigger ambition and change the name from Shanti Yoga to OM Healing Academy. The transformation that we offer through holistic approaches to achieve and maintain your optimal health, to balance your energy life force and to find harmony for the body, mind and soul every moment. 


"Yoga is when every cell of the body sings the song of the soul..."

B.K.S. Iyengar


Dany, Czech 

Thao Tran is a great Yoga and mindful meditation trainer. Her themed class is always full of joy, relaxation and deep connection with ourselves. She has motivated and empowered a lot on my motherhood. Highly recommended.



The singing bowl therapy with Thao Tran provides deep relaxation through sounds and vibrations. You feel full of new energy and let go of all burdens. Can only be recommended for everyone who is looking for deep relaxation. It is also fascinating what kind of strong vibrations the singing bowls produce on the body through their vibrations!
A great new experience with a great trainer



She is always smiling on her class and sharing this optimistic energy for us. I felt total relaxed and more grounded after her class.


Contact Us

Walter-Jurmann-Gasse 2B, Stiege 2, 1230 Wien, Austria

0670 6056239

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